I never used to have a problem registering for races. I once had a race director come up to me at a triathlon in New Jersey and ask me why I registered so early. I just liked planning, I guess. Now we're in a sort of ill-defined time. I'm nursing and will be doing so until John decides to stop. Even with full time on demand nursing, fertility can return as early as the introduction of solids (like right now) or as late as two years. We are also totally okay with having our next child whenever that happens. Registering for a triathlon in August may just end up to be a problem. I could be huge by then -- I show very early and can't ride my road bike any more. Or I could be newly pregnant and nauseous -- just the thing for an open water swim. And just think of being kicked in the swim when pregnant! Yeah. Race day registration isn't an option for tris out here -- they fill up so fast. So I'm still planning to do a lot of swimming and cycling, but I'm changing my goals to running races.
The first race I'm training for is the Title 9k, on Mother's Day up in Boulder, CO. I decided that since many of my training miles will be put in with John in the running stroller that I would enter the Mom with Baby Jogger category. It sounds fun and it starts earlier than the other categories. Nice, huh?
I haven't been running regularly and just realized that I'm probably very injury prone. All that impact all of a sudden can't be good for me. Thankfully the new Her Sports has a 10k training program that starts from nothing, mixing walking with running to minimize the potential for injury. I have ten weeks until my goal and I think I'll make it just fine.
To spur me on in my training, my husband bought me super cute new running clothes. I'll have to wear them at my next workout so I have a nifty photo for the blog.